The Way to Get Rid of Fumes From New Drapes
The odor may be anything but refreshing, while drapes may add an area and a sense of design. So the drapes do not require ironing some drape cloth is treated. It’s formaldehyde which produces the end of wrinkles. Instead of breathing odors, air those drapes keeping them out some time.
A Breath of Fresh Air
Once you hang the drapes before you purchased them, those drapes may have been wrapped in vinyl or enclosed , meaning odor in the cloth remains there. Air the drapes out for many hours or as long as possible on a day over a clothesline or even a makeshift clothesline to out them. A breeze helps remove odors. If unable to leave them outdoors, air them out or inside a room with plenty of open windows and a ceiling fan to circulate the air.
Baking Soda
If the drapes smell after out them, spread them out to the ground or a level surface and sprinkle baking soda. Vacuum it off and repeat the procedure. Brush off any residual soda using a brush.